


谢晓欢 Xie Xiaohuan

博士,助理教授, LEED AP








1.2020年广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2020A1515010606,基于“价值-信念-规范”理论的港深两地绿色办公建筑使用后评价及心理机制研究, 2020-03至2023-03, 10 万元,在研,主持;

2.2019年深圳新引进高端人才科研启动项目(孔雀计划科研启动经费),基于可穿戴技术的城市物理环境及居民健康影响研究,2019-12至2022-12, 270万,在研,主持;

3. 深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目,2017043, 中国绿色建筑集成化设计流程发展现状和优化策略研究,2017-06至2019-05,6万元,结题,主持。


1. 期刊论文

(1)Xie, Xiaohuan, Qin Shiyu, Gou Zhonghua*, Yi Ming. Engaging professionals in urban stormwater management: the case of China’s Sponge City, Building Research & Information, 2020,48(7), 719-730.

(2)Xie, Xiaohuan, Qin, Shiyu, Gou, Zhonghua., Yi, Ming. Incorporating green building in architectural education:What can we learn from the Value-Belief-Norm theory?.International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2021,22(3), 457-476.

(3)Xie, Xiaohuan, Qin, Shiyu, Gou, Zhonghua, Yi, Ming. Can Green Building Promote Pro-Environmental Behaviours? The Psychological Model and Design Strategy. Sustainability, 2020,12(18), 7714.

(4)Xie, Xiaohuan, Lu, Yi, Gou, Zhonghua*. Green Building Pro-Environment Behaviors: Are Green Users Also Green Buyers?  Sustainability, 2017, 2017(9):1703.

(5)Xie, Xiaohuan; Gou, Zhonghua. Obstacles of Implementing Green Building in Architectural Practices, Green Building in Developing Countries. Springer, 2020, pp. 33-47.

(6)Xie, Xiaohuan; Gou, Zhonghua. From Green to Healthy Buildings: A Comparative Study of the USA and China, Green Building in Developing Countries. Springer, 2020, pp.79-107.

(7)Xie, Xiaohuan, Gou, Zhonghua. Building performance simulation as an early intervention or late verification in architectural design process? The same performance outcome but different design solutions. Journal of Green Building, 2017,12(1), 45-61.

(8)谢晓欢, 贾倍思,肖靖.中国绿色建筑的集成化设计现状、困境与出路:基于建筑师的访谈[J].建筑师,2019(05):103-109.

(9)谢晓欢,贾倍思. 建筑性能模拟软件在绿色建筑设计不同阶段的应用效果比较[J].建筑师. 2018(1):124-130.

(10)谢晓欢,周含芝,苟中华,陈珊. 冬暖夏热地区办公建筑窗户使用行为及影响因素研究[J]. 建筑技艺,2020(11):164-167.


(12)谢晓欢,苟中华,易鸣,王庆.中美健康建筑设计标准对比研究.住区. 2018.( 3):150-154.

(13)Maryam Khoshbakht, Zhonghua Gou, Xiaohuan Xie*, Baojie He  and Amos Darko. Green Building Occupant Satisfaction: Evidence from the Australian Higher Education Sector. Sustainability, 2018.10 (8):2890.

(14)Gou, Zhonghua, Xie, Xiaohuan*, Lu, Yi , Khoshbakht, Maryam . Quality of Life (QoL) Survey in Hong Kong: Understanding the Importance of Housing Environment and Needs of Residents from Different Housing Sectors. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2018, 12(5):219.

(15)Khoshbakht, Maryam, Gou, Zhonghua, Lu, Yi,  Xie, Xiaohuan, Zhang, Jian. Are green buildings more satisfactory? A review of global evidence. Habitat International, 2018,74:57-65.

(16)Gou, Zhonghua,  Xie, Xiaohuan. Evolving Green Building: Triple Bottom Line or Regenerative Design?  Journal of Cleaner Production,2017,153:600-607.

(17)Chen, Yiyong, Liu, Tao, Xie, Xiaohuan*, Marušić, B.G. What attracts people to visit community open spaces? A case study of the overseas chinese town community in shenzhen, china. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2016, 13(7):644.




2. 会议论文

(1)Xie, Xiaohuan, Zhou, Hanzhi. Research on Optimization Strategy of Public Stair Design for Office Buildings Based on the Comprehensive Perception Theory of Built Environment, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Environment-Behavior Studies (EBRA 2020). Xi’an. October 14-15 2020. Huazhong University of Science&Technology Press.

(2)谢晓欢,覃诗语. 基于“价值—信念—规范”理论的深圳办公建筑使用后评价及心理机制研究,Conference Proceedings of Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Shenzhen. Shenzhen. December 5-6 2019. SBE 19 Shenzhen Scientific Committee.

(3)Xie, Xiaohuan, Jia, Beisi. Green Building Integrated Design Process In China: Housing Systems By Baumschlager Eber Texier (BE), ABAUS: A Bi-Annual Internetionally Refrereed Journal On Architecture, Conservation And Urban Studies. Spring 2012, VOL.7 NO 1.

(4)Jia, Beisi, Xie, Xiaohuan. Hign Comfort with Low Energy: An investigation to the Green Building Integrated Design Process in China ---- The Housing System Designed By Baumschlager Eberle(BE), Hong Kong. December 8-10, 2011. Proceedings of 2011 Asia Pacific Network For Housing Research.

(5)Xie, Xiaohuan, Jia, Beisi. The improvement green building design process in China from the perspectives of building designers. Proceedings of The 9th China Urban Housinng Conference. CUHK. Hong Kong. July 8-9 2011. Chief Editor: TSOU Jin-Yeu, Li Bingren and Xu Ronglie. China Architecture & Building Press.


