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崔冬瑾 Cui Dongjin 博士,助理教授 中国绿色建筑委员会青年委员会委员,中国城市规划学会会员,国际室内空气品质学会会员 |
2011/5–2016/5 香港理工大学, 屋宇设备工程, 博士,
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(51808342)非稳态风热环境下建筑立面对室内外湍流特性及污染物扩散的影响机理, 2019-2021.在研,主持
2. 广东省自然科学基金 (2017A030310357)多尺度耦合模拟在高密度建筑自然通风优化设计中的应用—以深圳市为例,2017-2019. 结题, 主持
3. “十三五”国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0704904),既有城市工业区环境安全及低影响开发关键技术研究,2018-2021,在研,学术骨干
4. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,登陆台风场非平稳风时频特性及其对线弹性结构风振响应特性影响研究。2018-2021,在研, 参加
5. .香港政府资助课题 (Grant ECF 23/2009)。Green features for improvement of air quality in buildings。 绿色建筑优化设计研究。参加。
1. D.J.Cui, G.Hu, Z.T.Ai, Y.X.Du C.M.Mak,K.C.S Kwok. Particle image velocimetry measurement and CFD simulation of pedestrian level wind environment around U-type street canyon. Building and Environment. 2019,154:239-251.
2. DJ Cui, XD Li, YX Du, CM Mak, KKwok Effects of envelope features on wind flow and pollutant exposure in street canyons, Building and Environment,176 (10862)
3. D.J.Cui, Z.T.Ai, C.M.Mak, K.C.S.Kwok, P.Xue. The influence of envelope features on interunit dispersion around a naturally ventilated multi-story building. Building Simulation. 2018,11:1245-1253.
4. D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, Z.T.Ai, K.C.S.Kwok, X.Z.Meng, J.L.Niu. On-site evaluation of pedestrian-level air quality at a U-type street canyon in an ancient city. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2017, 168:322-333
5. Dongjin Cui, Zhengtao Ai*, Cheuk-ming Mak, Kenny Kwok, Peng Xue, The influence of envelope features on interunit dispersion around a naturally ventilated multi-story building, Building Simulation (ISSN: 1996-3599) , 11(1245-1253),2018.09
6. D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, K.C.S.Kwok, Z.T.Ai. CFD simulation of the effect of an upstream building on the inter-unit dispersion in a multi-story building in two wind directions. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.2016,150:31-41.
7. D.J.Cui, C.M.Mak, J.L.Niu. Effect of balconies and upper-lower vents on ventilation and indoor air quality in a wind-induced, naturally-ventilated building. 2014, 35 (4) :393-407.
8. 李相逸,崔冬瑾#,马超,刘瑞雪,基于鸟类生境修复与营造的湿地生态设计策略,中国园林[J],2020年06期;
9. .李相逸,崔冬瑾#,袁磊,李发明,行人层建成环境发展态势文献分析研究——疫情后对高密度健康城区的再思考,建筑师[J],2020年03期